Meet us

The place where you can meet us!

The personal exchange with our customers is important to us. This is why we regularly present our solutions at trade fairs such as BIM World, Smart Variant Con and VDMA conferences throughout the year.

A special highlight is our in-house event eCC. This takes place every spring in St. Wendel and is the conference for networking on the topics of 3D visualization, CPQ, PIM, product configuration and CAD/BIM.

28.11. – 29.11.2023

BIM World Munich

We will once again be represented at BIM World this year. Since 2016, BIM World Munich has been the leading networking platform in D-A-CH for national and international players in the digitalization of the construction, real estate and infrastructure sectors.

22.01. – 23.01.2024


At 22. and January 23, 2024 we are part of the DIGITAL COMMERCE SUMMIT, hosted by our partner company Plan Software GmbH (Saarbrücken)

20.02. – 22.02.2024

DigitalBAU in Cologne

digitalBAU – the trade fair for digital solutions in the construction industry – focuses on the digital transformation in the construction industry and covers the entire construction value and process chain. Providers of IT hardware and software as well as digital solutions for the construction industry are linked with architecture and engineering, industry and trade, research and science as well as associations and politics.


VDMA conference on variant management in Langen (Frankfurt a. M.)

The conference on IT-supported variant configuration under the motto “From change project to competitive advantage”.

17.04. – 18.04.2024

eCC 2024 in St. Wendel

We are looking forward to the eCC from 17.04.2024 to 18.04.2024 in St. Wendel.
As every year, the conference at Angel’s Golfhotel is the highlight in our trade fair calendar.


next! The careers fair at Saarbrücken University

On June 11, 2024, we will be represented at Saarland University’s next! career fair and present ourselves to students.

23.06. – 25.06.2024

Smart Variant.CON Berlin

The largest event for variant and complexity managers in D/A/CH. Smart Variant.CON – Complexity in the manufacturing industry: The largest conference on product variance and complexity management is entering its 10th round! Meet over 200 complexity, product and R&D managers from the D/A/CH region.

Can we publish your products?

We would be happy to talk to you about our solutions and explain our software technology in detail.
We look forward to hearing from you!