Schöck Bauteile GmbH - A success story over 10 years
We have counted the construction product manufacturer Schöck Bauteile GmbH among our customers since 2013. Starting with the Schöck Isokorb®, the product portfolio in the CAD/BIM library has been expanded by numerous products in recent years.
In addition to the direct selection of products via the article numbers, the 3D product configurator for the Schöck Tronsole®, for example, offers the option of configuring the desired design of the product in just a few steps.
The components can be conveniently downloaded as 2D and 3D CAD data in all common CAD formats. In addition, CAD objects and BIM data sets can be exported directly to Revit, Archicad and IFC via the integrated Click2CAD toolbox. This makes design, planning and modeling processes considerably easier for architects and planners.
The integration into the Allplan BIM system is particularly noteworthy. With the help of our CADClick® software modules, Schöck was able to achieve direct access to the Isokorb® products stored in CADClick® DataManager. The selection of an Isokorb® takes place in Allplan and the selected model is imported directly into Allplan as a CADClick® PhytonPart and can be further processed there.
The “My products” function allows you to save your own favorites lists of selected and configured products. The “Recommend product” function creates a link that can be shared with other people and clearly leads to the configured product.
If users require larger quantities of product data instead of individual downloads, they will find what they are looking for in the data packages. Here Schöck provides products as a download package in defined formats. These packages are created using the corresponding CADClick® data package extension.
The current cooperation is with AUSSCHREIBEN.DE, which was initiated by Schöck and launched as a PoC. The result is the integration of the CADClick® CADBox for the Schöck Isokorb® on AUSSCHREIBEN.DE. For users who call up an Isokorb® via the CAD/BIM library, a link to the tender text is also available.
Even after 10 years of cooperation between KiM and Schöck, the potential for innovation has not been exhausted. Together we continue to find new ways and ideas to improve our CADClick® products. We thus offer Schöck a wide range of tools from a single data source to provide architects and planners with the best possible support.
Do you need software that inspires and works? Get in touch and let us work together to find the optimum solution for you.